How to Get Help from a Brain Injury Lawyer in Norwich, CT

by | Jun 19, 2017 | Lawyers

When a person suffers a traumatic brain injury, it can affect them for the rest of their life. Whether it was a severe concussion or an open head wound, the results can change the way the brain operates, leading to ongoing complications as the person attempts to recover from their injuries. When someone is responsible for a person’s brain injury, the victim has a right to seek compensation. It is wise for a person to seek legal help from a brain injury lawyer in Norwich, CT. Attempting to pursue compensation without legal help can end up being frustrating and fruitless.

Unfortunately, the effects of a brain injury do not always immediately show up. Sometimes, it takes days, weeks, or even months for a person to realize the impact their head injury is having on their body. Seeking medical care is vital for the recovery process, but this is typically expensive and some victims need ongoing medical care to properly handle their injuries. For this reason it is important for injured individuals to seek help from a brain injury lawyer in Norwich, CT.

Signs of traumatic brain injury include:

• Abnormal behaviors such as uncontrolled laughter, aggression, word repetition, compulsivity, and uncontrollable crying are common with traumatic brain injury.

• Balance disorders, blackouts, fainting, and fatigue can occur as the body tries to cope with the mixed and erroneous signal errors the brain is sending out after an injury.

• A person may experience startling mood changes such as anger, apathy, anxiety, and overwhelming feelings of loneliness.

• Brain injury sufferers often experience sensory issues and have problems dealing with certain types and levels of sound and light.

• Some brain injury victims experience difficulty with speech and may slur their words or find it difficult to talk at all.

If you have suffered a brain injury due to the negligence or actions of another person or company, it is important you hold them responsible for your injuries. For further information about how a lawyer can help you, visit the website. Contact the law office of Stephen M. Reck so your consultation appointment can be scheduled right away.