In the past, family courts assumed that mothers were the primary caregivers of minor children and, unless the fathers could prove the mothers were unfit to parent the children, mothers were generally awarded custody when the parents divorced. Over the past few decades, family dynamics have changed. Women today have careers that are just as demanding as their male counterparts. They may work long hours or have to travel to support their families. More and more men have assumed the primary care-giving role.
Best Interest of the Child
The guiding principle now is no longer based on an assumption that the mother is closer to the children than the father, but that the court should rule in the children’s best interests. This means fathers have an equal chance of being awarded custody or a significant amount of parenting time and no longer have to prove their spouse is unfit in order to maintain a close relationship with their kids after they separate. With Custody Law in Lee’s Summit MO on their side, fathers don’t have to worry about being separated from their children just because they divorce their wives.
Parenting Plans
Ideally, divorcing parents will work together to develop a plan for their children’s future. Because the court will make these decisions based on Custody Law in Lee’s Summit MO and not on their individual situations, it’s best for everyone involved if the parents can put their differences aside for the sake of their children. An attorney may help a father by being his advocate through the custody negotiation process and giving him advice on how to structure the parenting plan to ensure it is the least disruptive to his children’s lives.
It’s important for fathers to be prepared with their own version of the parenting plan to use in negotiations. An attorney from Dana Outlaw Law Office may help create this plan. Having this document will allow a father to negotiate with the mother of his children and ensure events that are important to him aren’t overlooked in the final plan.
Divorce can be messy, but it shouldn’t have any negative effects on the children. An effective parenting plan and child support could ensure the least disruption to the children’s lives as possible.