Contact An Injury Attorney In Williston ND Immediately After An Accident

by | Feb 16, 2016 | Accident Attorney

When accidents occur, they can be incredibly upsetting to an injured person. It’s always important to seek medical attention. It is important to follow up with medical care that a doctor recommends. Failure to do so could prohibit filing a claim for the injuries that were received. Automobile accidents are the most common cause of personal injuries, but medical malpractice, slip and falls, and even dog bites are also forms of personal injury cases. Receiving the highest level of compensation for the negligence of another is important to an injury attorney in Williston ND area an.

An Injury Attorney is able to calculate the value of a case. An attorney will review the medical bills, the amount of time that was missed from work, the percentage of fault the other party is responsible for, and how the injury occurred. Each and every case has its own set of circumstances and is evaluated separately. Attorneys that represent personal injury victims work on a contingency fee basis. This means the injured person will not pay a fee to the attorney prior to a settlement. The attorney will only be paid if they recover money for the injured individual.

Construction accidents can be very serious. In some cases, the individual is working as a sub-contractor. This can become a complicated problem determining which company is at fault and who is responsible for paying the medical bills or lost wages. An Injury Attorney in Williston ND will determine which company a suit should be filed against. Working on oil rigs exposes workers to some very dangerous conditions. Wellheads and drilling rigs can be improperly designed or installed. When an accident occurs with this large type of machinery, the injuries could be life-threatening. Some injuries will temporarily affect an individual’s ability to work. These injuries could be back or neck injuries. Injuries such as broken bones or scarring are considered permanent injuries.

Whether an injury is temporary or permanent, an attorney that is experienced in personal injury should be contacted. Even if an insurance company is offering to settle shortly after an injury, do not settle before speaking with an experienced attorney. Once you sign a settlement agreement for an insurance company, there is not another chance to make further claims in the future for the injuries.