In the unfortunate event of being injured on the job, or if your job has resulted in illness or health condition that impacts your ability to work, Workers’ Compensation is the first option for many Marietta employees to file a claim.
This is basically an insurance policy for the employees to provide medical benefits and compensation for lost wages due to injury or illnesses that are job-related. Unfortunately, just because an employer and employee are paying into the system, all claims are not approved. In fact, the majority of claims are often denied on the first application, which is why it is important to understand when it is in your best interest to involve a Workers’ Compensation lawyer.
Follow Procedure
It is critical that if there is an on the job injury that employees know the correct procedure to file a report. This includes notifying the appropriate supervisor or manager, if possible, immediately after the injury occurs. It may also include contacting the Human Resource department.
Failing to file the report of the injury within the procedures of the company can result in a denial of the claim. The information should be available from your HR department or supervisor and, as a protection, get it in writing.
Severity of the Injury
In general, an injury that requires treatment but that is not likely to result in significant short or long term loss of income or ability to work is not likely to be problematic for the employee to file a claim. On the other hand, with a significant injury that may impact short or long-term employment, a Workers’ Compensation lawyer should be involved with the initial filing of the claim.
Another essential factor to consider, even with a less severe injury, is the reputation of the company. Many companies are very fair about paying claims and work with the employee to ensure that the claim is approved. Other companies have a reputation of fighting these claims.
If the company has a reputation for fighting claims, involving a Workers’ Compensation lawyer as early as possible can help to speed up the process. Additionally, if an employee is retaliated against by an employer for filing a claim, an attorney will be essential.