A Bail Bond in Atlanta Helps Level the Field for People With Very Little Money

by | Sep 28, 2017 | Lawyers

The subject of bail reform is controversial, with people on both sides feeling adamant about their stances. Intriguingly, jurisdictions that have done away with bail for many offenses are finding that most defendants make all their court appearances as scheduled even if they have no financial incentive to do so. Someone who cannot afford bail has the option of obtaining a Bail Bond in Atlanta to regain his or her freedom.

Opposing Sides

One side believes the system makes sure criminal offenders come to their court appearances and do not flee. The other side views bail as unconstitutional because U.S. residents are supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

The Problem

The bail system generally keeps two types of offenders in jail. One type has been charged with a violent crime and is considered a flight risk or a danger to the community. A judge may not allow release on bail for this person or may set bail very high.

The second type is a low-income individual who cannot afford bail of even $100 or $200. If this person does not obtain a Bail Bond in Atlanta, he or she winds up being incarcerated for a long time before a court date is set. Some 90 percent of jail inmates have not been convicted of a crime, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

When someone without financial resources is stuck in jail like this, the effects can be devastating. Job loss is probable. Without being able to earn money to pay rent, people lose their housing. Divorced parents and single parents lose custody of their children.

Many proponents of bail reform believe that any amount of bail is unfair. Even when two people have committed the same crime, the one with money regains freedom while the other is left behind bars unless assistance is available from a company like Free At Last Bail Bonds.

Relevant Data

Washington D.C. reformed its bail system in the 1990s and has not experienced any significant problems since doing so. If the defendants pass a risk assessment, they are released without bail. A full 89 percent of them appear in court as scheduled, reports a Reuters article.