If you sustain a serious injury through no fault of your own you should consider consulting with an injury attorney, someone that guide you through a settlement process or litigate a case against the negligent party in court.
What does an injury attorney do?
If you believe that you were injured either physically or emotionally and the injury was caused by another person or another entity, a Houston injury Attorney will represent your interests in claiming compensation. There are a number of reasons why hiring a skilled attorney is in your best interest:
- You attorney represents you and no one else:
It is a well known fact that insurance companies try every trick in the book in an effort to either minimize or even deny paying any form of compensation, the insurance company focus on making money and any payouts they make negatively impact their bottom line. The objective of the insurance company is exactly opposite to yours; you want to be awarded the maximum amount to compensate you for everything you have had to go through.
- You may not fully appreciate the extent of your injuries:
The insurance company that represents the party at fault will make every effort to get you to accept their initial offer and sign a waiver that you will no longer pursue the case. If your injuries should actually be far worse than you believe them to be and you accepted a settlement there is nothing further that you can do. A Houston injury attorney will advise you to wait until such time as the full extent of your injuries is known.
- Avoid exceeding the statute of limitations:
After a period of time the rights you have to sue for personal injury disappears. In Texas the statute of limitations on personal injury claims is two years, when you are represented by a Houston injury attorney you can rest assured that everything that must be done on time will be done on time.
The law is extremely complex. If you are involved in an accident and you are injured you will be far better off when you rely on a seasoned injury lawyer to pursue compensation on your behalf.