Many car accident cases that result in someone being seriously injured do not require an attorney to negotiate fair compensation from the insurer. Often, it is obvious which driver was responsible for the accident, and the insurance company is completely cooperative. However, when people in passenger vehicles are injured by collisions with commercial trucks, hiring a lawyer is important. A truck accident attorney in Norwich, CT handles these kinds of cases.
Truck Weight
Collisions involving large trucks have distinct differences from accidents between passenger vehicles. A semi-truck and trailer carrying a heavy load can legally weigh up to 80,000 lbs. The engine of the semi alone weighs more than many models of passenger vehicles do.
Thus, an accident with a semi or other large truck is more likely to cause very serious injuries and even fatalities. That means more expensive medical bills that may include hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy and several weeks residing in a physical rehab center. The person may not be able to work for months.
Semi truck accidents generally require an investigation to make sure no state or federal regulations were being violated. The complexity of the information is difficult for the average person to understand, which is another reason a truck accident attorney in Norwich, CT should represent the injured person.
This attorney will begin conducting an investigation for the client as well. Expert witnesses may be called in to reconstruct the scene of the accident. This should be done as soon as possible, while skid marks and other evidence is still visible. If the injured person is not well enough to visit a lawyer’s office, the attorney usually will provide a free consultation at the person’s home or at the hospital.
Disputing Fault
In addition, some trucking companies are very large corporations and they may not hesitate to bring in a legal team to minimize the economic damage posed by an accident that causes serious injuries. Their investigators may search for evidence that the other driver was at fault, either partially or completely. This is an important reason for the injured person to hire a lawyer such as Stephen M. Reck for representation. Visit the website to get started.