When you get hurt while out in public, you have the right to hold the property’s owner accountable for your injuries. However, you may want to forgo filing and going through a lengthy court case.
Instead, you may simply wish to settle the case and reach a quick agreement with the other party. You may avoid a lengthy court battle when you retain counsel like a personal injury mediator in Woodland Hills, CA.
Saving Time
The whole point of legal mediation is to help both parties in a court case come to a fast and agreeable resolution. You may have no interest in dragging out the case for months or years on end. You may also have no real contention with the other party and simply want payment for your injuries and damages.
The mediator can help you and the other party come to a fast and satisfactory resolution. You may get the case settled in a matter of weeks, if not faster, and spare both of you from having to go to court and appear before a judge.
Further, this option can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in legal fees. You may get the case settled without having to go into debt to pay an attorney or cover court costs.
You can find out more about hiring a personal injury mediator in Woodland Hills, CA online. Contact Karagozian & Rudolph, PC by going to web.