If you look at published statistics you will see that almost 75 percent of those that claim Social Security disability benefits are denied at the initial application. For those that are denied benefits they only have two options; one is to give up and the other is to appeal the decision. Obviously, if you are genuinely disabled the last thing you want to do is quit, your benefits may form the bulk of your income; the greatest majority of applicants will hire a qualified Social Security attorney in Missouri and appeal. Although no attorney can guarantee that you will eventually be granted benefits what the attorney can do is to ensure that your case will be developed properly and presented in the best possible light.
Developing a winning strategy:
Like most legal issues, the individual involved rarely has any idea of the laws, rules and regulations that apply; this is true with a Social Security case as well. This is not so with a Social Security attorney in Missouri, this individual is extremely familiar with the system, having had numerous cases in the past. When the appeal reaches the hearing level, your attorney will know what the administrative law judge is looking for and he or she will have developed the appropriate course of action.
As the attorney’s fee is set by law and he or she is obliged to handle your case on contingency, there is absolutely no reason why you should not hire a seasoned attorney. As the attorney only gets paid when you are granted disability benefits, he or she will prepare the case in such a way that you have a very good chance at winning.
The chances of winning when you go it alone are far less than when you hire an experienced Social Security attorney in Missouri.
If you are disabled you have a better chance of being approved for benefits when you hire a seasoned Social Security attorney in Missouri to represent your interests. You are invited to contact Grundy Disability Group, LLC.